

  • Java 8 runtime to run the applications

  • Maven or other build system if build from source

  • CygWin or UNIX to install application from ZIP

In your build system


For Maven declare a dependency in the <dependencies> section of your POM file.

Dependency declaration in pom.xml

Gradle / Grails

compile 'de.vandermeer:svg2vector:2.0.0'

Other build systems

For other build systems see Maven Central

As a stand-alone application

The stand-alone application can be installed in UNIX and CygWin systems. The installation will create all required scripts to run the applications On CygWin, the installation will also create DOS/Windows batch files to start the applications.

  • download the ZIP archive from BinTray: 2.0.0.

  • unzip in a directory of your choice

Now you can run the script generation:

cd bin

The script will create scripts to run the tool for Unix (bin/sh) and if you run on a CygWin system also for CygWin (bin/cyg) and DOS/Windows (bin/bat). Now simple run the script sh/ (assuming you are on a Unix system).

Using the executable JAR

  • download the executable JAR file from BinTray: 2.0.0.

  • move the JAR to a directory on your system

Now you can run the following command to create scripts executing the applications:

java -jar svg2vector-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar gen-exec-jar-scripts

This will create scripts, which you can then move into a binary directory of your system.

You can manually run the executable JAR file as well. The main class of the JAR is set to an ExecS execution service. Simply running the jar will produce a help screen from ExecS. Using -l shows all registered applications, including s2v-fh and s2v-is. Direcly running the conversion applications as follows

java -jar svg2vector-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar s2v-fh
java -jar svg2vector-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar s2v-is

Build and install from source

One can also clone the repository, build it, and then use the created application artifacts. Clone and build the repo:

git clone
cd svg2vector
mvn package

This will create a folder target with all build artifacts. In the target folder, one can find application artifacts to run the tool.

cd target/application
ls -l

The artifacts there are (substitute X/Y/Z with the version you cloned/built)

  • svg2vector-2.0.0-application.tar.gz


  • svg2vector-2.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Now use either of the two archives and install the stand-alone application or the executable JAR.