
The main concepts are: application, input, and target.


The SVG2Vector tool provides different applications to convert SVG graphics to target formats. The tool uses the SKB ExecS to launch applications. All applications are registered with the Java class Svg2VectorExecs for easy execution. Once an application is selected for execution, the application specific command line options and processing applies.

Currently supported are:

  • s2v-hp - converting SVG graphics to vector formats using Apache Batik and Freehep libraries

  • s2v-is - converting SVG graphics to vector (and selected bitmap) formats using an existing Inkscape executable

Some standard applications from the ExecS package are also available when using the standard executor:

  • gen-configure - used to configure generated runtime scripts for the application

  • gen-exec-jar-scripts - creates operating system specific start scripts when using the all-in-one executable jar artifact

  • gen-run-scripts - creates run scripts for application installation


The input for each application needs to be a valid SVG file. There are several options for a valid SVG file:

  • Plain SVG as plain text file

  • Plain SVG as GZ compressed file

  • Inkscape SVG as plain text file

  • Inkscape SVG as GZ compressed file

Other SVG variations might work as well, but have not been tested.


The target of a conversion defines the target format and helps to select a target converter. The target implicitely defines the target file extension. The target also allows to identify target-specific conversion options, for instance the PS level for a PS or EPS target.

The application s2v-fh is using Apache Batik for SVG document handling and FreeHep libraries for conversion. This means that specific name spaces from an Inkscape SVG are not processed (largely ignored). The Inkscape Wiki has a page explaining the specific name spaces inkscape and sodipodi: .

In case the input is generated from Inkscape and s2v-fh has to be used for the conversion, the best practice is to safe the file as Plain SVG with Inkscape. Otherwise, several formatting descriptions (e.g. centered text) will not be converted correctly.

If an Inkscape installation is available, then s2v-is can be used. This will convert all standard targets (such as PDF and PNG) correctly using Inkscape. For EMF conversion, manual layer handling and temporary file creation should be used.